Radio GaGa

I serve, therefore I am.

the little things…

Something keeps grabbing me with the most beautiful waves of nostalgia.  Memories of extraordinary moments that gushed with happiness 

from an ordinary little thing 

that used to just be 

a regular part of everyday life.   

It’s such a simple thing, and after a warm, wonderful conversation earlier tonight,  it made me realize how it’s been floating around my mind for decades now 

and how much I truly miss it.

Everything about it.

I’m not really sure where I’m going with this little blurble of words right now, 

but I’ll tell ya one thing, 

sometime tomorrow morning  I plan to hit up the local thrift shops in search of an old transistor radio. Yeah, the kind with a wonky antenna that you’ve gotta get pointing in 


the right 


funky globs of tinfoil haphazardly mashed around the tips, because, well… science!

The kind with the AM/FM toggle switch and  a dial that sometimes requires infinite patience & focus just to find the pop/crackle that promises it might be a station playing… something.  

Could be anything, really.  Anything but that monotonous khwwwrhhhrsshhrrrrrwwwchhhwghhh of static!

And when at last you get to that blip/crackle, the crazy intense feeling that washes over you 

as you try try try to move that dial sooo very slowwwlllyyy… 

listening with 

every hair on your body at attention it seems, until… 

ooh was that a song?  Or another announcer?  Hmmm… I’m pretty close to where W-SHE should be… but that wisp of violin was lovely 

…oops too fast!  Go back… 

…dang… missed it again!!!

Too far… sssquwwrrewrweeefffrrwrghgltnbllbtqrbrrrh…

 …a few more times back-and-forth… 

big, silly grin, 

thinking, turning “almost there!”

eyes squinched up as if it might help somehow

…aaaaand, Bingo!!!  

Crystal clear it is at last!  Ohhh and BIG bonus points if it’s actually a tune you’re into!!!  

…or even if it’s something 

totally the opposite

 of anything you’ve ever heard, 

but hot damn it sure tickles your fancy right here right now!!

Ahhh the pure joy that comes with the process!!  

The beauty of that journey from beginning to the big, fat, juicy cherry on top.

Being present for experiences like these….

No amount of money in the world can buy this feeling.



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wabi-sabi for your optimism tool-belt