Hey-ho, let’s go!

I have no internet at home currently, so am at an outdoor cafe, freezing my butt off, and only have another ten minutes left to write before they close. This post was supposed to be a part of a new section I’m to create for the site, that’s to be chock-full-of my daily doses of optimism, whatever weirdness I feel like going on about, or anything else that tickles my fancy. The thing is, I’ve been here for almost two hours now, and, whilst I’ve made some needed changes to the site, I’ve not yet been able to figure out how & where to add the section I’d planned to add tonight. The other thing is, I’d taken Ted up on his glorious idea to help blast me out of my writing block, which involves posting some damn thing every single day no matter what. So…here I am… keeping my word.

I suppose I should clarify it’s not entirely a writer’s “block” as it’s also something of a writer’s “plug”. “Plug'“ seems a more appropriate term to include here, for it’s not at all lack of things to write about. Quite the contrary. I have so goddamn much I want to touch on, cover, share, etc… that it’s damn near overwhelming at times to just choose a single topic, much less to focus for long enough to get it out. Arrrgghh!

This isn’t exactly how I’d imagined posting for my dream-site might go. lol. Maybe by sharing how I’m rolling forward with it anyway, it might someday help to inspire others to overcome resistance & plow forward, unabashed. Be fearless. Post stuff that sucks sometimes. Be vulnerable. Be unstoppable.

PS. The above pic has absolutely nothing to do with this post. It’s a photo snapped just before a sound bath began. If you’ve never yet experienced a sound bath, we highly recommend it.


Don't Ask What Needs to be Done. Do What Your Heart Says.


Coming Soon - Full Interview with Deb, Creator and Founder of Goatlandia