Joys of Little Things

Finding joy in simple life experiences and sharing them with others, is key when it comes to crushing anxiety and increasing optimism. 

We’re suckers for the little things and have been late for work on more than one occasion because we can’t help but to pull out of traffic to photograph a defiant daisy pressing up through the shoulder asphalt or falling jawdroppingly, hopelessly  in love with a sunset that looks like a blanket of rainbow sherbet on fire.

Beauty is all around us at all times.  There’s a perfection in nature that brings such peace to one’s soul, but sometimes we get so caught up in piddly things, that we forget that all that scrumptious amazingness is right there in front of our eyes, for free, and avail 24/7.

What are some simple things that bring you joy?  We’d love to hear about them!


Something Silly (and FREE) To Crush Anxiety Daily


A Tale of Rats and Optimism