Your secret SUPERPOWER!
Did you know that you possess a super-power that can instantly increase optimism in others and transform the emotional state of other beings, including yourself?!?
It’s simple, easy to do, and requires the effort of using only a few pairs of facial muscles.
Can you guess what this magic is that you have?
If you said, “smiling”, you’re absolutely right!
When you smile, your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress, which then triggers increased levels of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins (our body’s naturally occurring feel-good hormones).
The downstream effects of smiling often has all sorts of other perks, too! From relieving pain & stress, to boosting your immune system, to reducing chances of getting cancer, to just leading a happier life in general.
Studies have shown that when a human being smiles at another human, (or humans), it most often is returned by the recipient to the giver. That’s a whole lot of happy chemistry at your fingertips and takes only seconds to share it!
And, if it’s one of those days where you’re running solo, stressed-out & feel like you could really use an emotional boost, smile for yourself for about 30 seconds. Your brain will react the same way and you’ll be breathing easier in no time.
Go ahead, give it a whirl, and let us know how it goes!
A smile costs nothing, but creates much
It happens in a flash, and the memory of it can last a lifetime.
It cannot be begged, borrowed, nor stolen
And is of no earthly good to anyone until it is given away
So if, in your hurry, you meet someone who is too weary to smile,
Leave one of yours
For no one needs a smile so much
As he who has none to give