Easy Behavior Hacks to Improve Mood & Increase Optimism

With so much craziness going on in this world, there may be times when you might need an optimism boost, but have absolutely no idea as to where to begin.  

Whilst some people may tell you to “cheer up”,  “look at the bright side”, and other advice along those lines, we all know that trying to change the way you think during times of stress can be enormously challenging & isn’t often too effective. 

What IS effective, is modifying some of your daily behaviours, routines, & activities to activate your brain chemistry in ways that will release your body’s natural endorphins & feel-good hormones.

You’ll feel a lift to your mood in no time, without having to think about it.

We’ve put together a few simple ideas you can pick & choose from to take action and ease some pressure of your overwhelmed mind, whilst helping to get you started to feeling great again.

Keep this “no-brainer” list on hand for moving forward on the road to positive energy and increasing OPTIMISM!

Exercise more.  If that word strikes terror into your heart, start small.  Just an hour each week can have a positive downstream effect upon your brain chemistry. (The more, the better, of course, though.)  If you find an activity you thoroughly enjoy doing, you’ll feel even greater positive impacts. 

Reduce clutter, live more minimally.  Material things in your space that serve little-to-no purpose can massively hinder your energy and hold you back. Donate or gift items you don’t truly need. It’s a wonderful, easy way to help others who may be in need & your uncluttered space will free your mind up to better focus on the things you find truly meaningful.

Keep gratitude lists.  It’s been proven time and time again that this has wonderful benefits & can be an instant mood-lifter. Our favorite way is adding things we’re grateful for to a daily calendar, so even if you’re having a rough day, you can take a step back to look at a week, month or year at a glance & find all sorts of reminders of amazing things in your life to be thankful for. 

Spend time cultivating eudaimonic happiness. Turn your attention to allowing more time for the things that really matter!  Become the best version of yourself that you can be and strive daily toward realizing your full potential as a unique being on this beautiful Earth. Volunteering is an excellent way to get started.  Spending time serving others immediately leads one to experience feelings of finding deeper meaning and a higher purpose in life. 

Spend time outdoors.   Whether it’s a short walk, a day hike, a beach day…  step outside for a little while each day.  Participating in outdoor activities reduces depression, stress levels, eases anxiety and can lead to increasing optimism.  If you can find a way to volunteer whilst out in nature, even better.

Earthing (also referred to as “grounding”)  This is super-easy and is purported to have a number of health benefits.  All it takes is spending around 20 minutes with your bare feet directly in touch with the Earth.  Sitting or laying down on the ground works even better, and if it’s cold outside or you just don’t like having your shoes off, place your hands on a tree. The free electrons released from the Earth’s surface are said to help to stabilize systems in your body, resulting in a calmer, more peaceful you.

Get more sleep. This is probably the most important factor when it comes to feeling good. 

Your body & brain depend on this time to rebuild & regenerate. 

Daily guided meditation(s) and/or Yoga Nidra.  These can be done while either sitting or laying down and can change your whole day for the better in just 15 minutes, especially if getting more sleep is a toughie for you. Countless free videos are avail via a quick web search, covering a vast variety of topics and tailored for pretty much any time frame that suits you.  Yoga Nidra is our favorite way to recharge these days.  It’s like a reset for your entire central nervous system, helps reduce stress, anxiety & PTSD, can help with chronic pain, tension, insomnia, helps improve waking mindfulness, and contributes to overall increased feelings of confidence, relaxation and well-being.

What are some ways you’ve found that have helped turn your frown around?

Drop us a comment… we’d love to hear from you.




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