Carpe Diem!!! For Real...
We’re now in our early 50’s.
Our health isn’t perfect, but we’re truckin’ along just fine and do our best to take care of ourselves with what we know how to do and to the best of our abilities.
According to some statistics, the average human lives to around the age of 75. According to others, it’s 71, and to others, it’s 82, so we’ve still got some time to knock out our bucket lists.
But, how much time?
As eternal optimists, we’re constantly learning, thinking, wandering, falling in love with practically everyone, everything, every process (and certainly every dog, bird, porpoise, etc) around us.
Then all of a sudden one day not that long ago (impossible to pinpoint) we realized we’d suddenly crossed some sort of invisible shadow line and each day something happens to keep us all too aware that we’ve crossed it!
From weird stuff going on with our skin, random hairs in the wrong places, researching ailments, and far too much ease in detailed discussions about… well… nevermind that for now. Lol
And so, we decided we should do a little check-in on how we’re looking on time and, like, mortality stuff.
It’s a notoriously elusive thing, that sneaky-snake called Time, and, being visual thinkers, we wanted to get a better idea as to what we’ve got left to work with, from today on.
So, we decided to see what our projected lifespan looked like on a graph, using shading to see where we are currently in relation to the average expected human lifespan.
We feel a little light-headed right now as it’s slowly sinking in… but it’s a damn lovely day outside, so we’re gonna get out there and fall in love with nature for awhile.
…and start a new to-do list
…along with a new to-don’t list, because it’s suddenly become sparkling clear as to what we no longer have time for.