Donors Stretching Dollars
This is important for anyone with a charitable org to jump on immediately, as well as for donors in order to maximize giving during this deal-crazy weekend.
With the huge sales happening now thru Cyber Monday, $50 can mean three warm blankets instead of one, more meals, more warm clothes, etc.
But, so few orgs have wish-lists posted at all.
It’d be great if charities had easy-to-find wish-lists posted (Amazon, Walmart, Target, et al)
To send out simple, clear email blasts ASAP to drive spend-ready donors to channel compulsive buying behaviours toward kindness today & thru this entire Black Friday /Cyber Monday weekend.
It’s baffling that this avenue remains relatively untapped!
Less than 50 charities nationwide popped up on Amazon today for "Animal Rescue" under the "search wishlists" tab
If every charity were to make it easier for individual donors to provide the store-bought items they need on a regular basis, more of the incoming cash donations received can be redirected to use otherwise as needed.
It may even allow for surpluses to build <3
Ideally, the wish-lists should be present year-round, but right now it's the best time to double or triple the donation values.
All we hope for is for more help to reach more kids, Vets, animals, trees, oceans, soon as possible.
Happy giving season!!!