Increase Optimism With Gratitude Lists

The term “gratitude list” is likely a familiar term to many people.  But, how many have taken time to actually explore it further than that?  

This might be one of the easiest ways to help crush anxiety, increase optimism & chase away proverbial thunderclouds.  Best of all, it can be done from anywhere, at any time, takes only a few minutes, and it won’t cost you a dime. 

We love things with no rules that are healthy AND free!!!

: )

Basically, all gratitude lists consist of is… (one guess here, Einstein)

Yep…   listing things you’re grateful for. 


Here at The Optimism Lab, our favourite approach is to use a monthly wall calendar in the “office”  that we can see every day.  Each day, we write down three things we’re grateful for.  It can be anything. And it can be done at any time of day.  All that matters is that it gets done.  

The best part about using a 30-day calendar, is being able to see all the things adding up as the month progresses. 

Feels really good to see the reminders, helps chase away the winter blahhhhs, and it’s a natural zap of awesome energy!

We’d love to hear anything you have to share on ways of expressing gratitude! We’re grateful for today and for you being YOU!!!

: )


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