Thanking Our Veterans

Remember to thank our Veterans today!!!

Not sure where to begin? Here are a few ideas:

  • In person, with love, gratitude and hugs, or even via call or text…. Say “thank you”.

  • Send a hand-written letter or care package to those you know who’ve served.

  • Treat a Veteran to a meal… Do it on a regular basis!

  • Offer to help a Veteran with household chores. Call your local VA or find a group near you via social media & make yourself avail to help.

  • Invite a Veteran to speak and or do a Q&A session at local schools. Many young people have no idea as to the sacrifices Veterans have made to protect us and our freedoms

  • Support businesses owned by Veterans. Start today & keep going! Look some up here:

  • Attend a local Veteran’s Day parade to show your support in person.

  • Make a pledge to remember their legacy.

  • Take time to silently meditate and send massive love energy to all those who’ve served.

There are countless ways to show gratitude and appreciation


And every day.


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