Increasing Optimism With Daily Affirmations

There’s a pretty good chance that just about everyone has some sort of working knowledge as to what daily affirmations are, but did you know how much power they can actually pack?  For those who stick to using these wonderful little tools on a regular basis, the benefits can significantly increase feelings of well-being and optimism.

The key is to keep it simple. 

First, think of any areas you’d like to improve upon, whether it’s strengthening / boosting behaviours, changing up old patterns, bringing in new energy, etc. 

Then make a list of keywords and pick the top 5 or 6 that most resonate with you. 

From there, make a little list of short sentences with your preferred keywords (all in present tense) and repeat them to yourself numerous times throughout each day. The sky's the limit and these are meant to be tuned specifically for YOU.

Some examples might be something like:  “I am confident”, “I am happy”, “I am grateful for ____”, “I am wildly creative”, “I am strong”, “ I am an artist”, “I create peace in my life and in the lives of others”...

…you get the idea.

: )

Keep this list handy, whether it’s on the notepad area of your phone or written in a place where you’ll see it often as an easy reminder. Repeat these affirmations numerous times throughout the day.  Do it whilst waiting in line, while cooking, while driving, or pretty much anywhere and at any time.

Even though reciting daily affirmations seems like such a simple thing that it’s almost silly, your mind and body will respond positively to these loving words which naturally leads to increased levels of (you guessed it) OPTIMISM!


Thanking Our Veterans

