Black Friday For Charity Wish-Lists

Black Friday has gained enormous popularity for being the best day of the year for bagging excellent deals on all kinds of stuff around the globe.

We’re usually not too big on shopping as we prefer sharing experiences over spending lots of cash at this time of year, however, it’s an incredible time to get more bang for the buck, which works wonderfully for helping us pursue our passion of getting supplies to various charities around the world! 

Something we like to do here at The Optimism Lab is to use this time to explore the online wish-lists of our favourite charities and “shop” for them on Black Friday.

Many charitable organizations have specific wish-lists posted publicly online, and if they don’t it’s easy-peasy to reach out to them to find out where they’re listed.

The best thing about doing this on Black Friday, is that a few dollars can go so much further to bring essential items to those in need than it would on a normal day. It’s like getting the opportunity to donate double to whichever charities are closest to your heart!!! How awesome is that?!?!

Soon we’ll be adding a new section here at The Optimism Lab to highlight and share links to our favorite charities with the wish lists made public just to make it even easier to get help to others.  

If you have any favourite charities you’d like us to add to the upcoming list, please leave links in the comments.  We’d love to hear from you.

: )


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