Finding Advantage Through Adversity
We love this book!!!! Highly recommend it!
Finding advantage through adversity is something that comes naturally to some and for others it can be learned once one becomes aware of the myriads of possibilities that exist, and how to be open to them.
Here at The Optimism Lab, we’ve begun to notice that once we’re in flow-state, the advantages we discover when facing adversity show themselves to us through something we’ll refer to as synchronicity, for lack of a better word to sum it up easily.
Sometimes it happens in funny little ways that seem to spring up, reminding us we’re on the right path, whilst also reminding us how we got here, and most recently, reminding us to share these things with others to hopefully help get through some of life’s rough patches.
At this moment, we’re referring to the Monty Python Holy Grail post from a few days ago. It came up at a moment we were experiencing a very raw feeling of vulnerability and it was exactly what we needed to feel newly empowered to thrust on!
We’d never previously had a clue as to the hurdles that’d existed to get that film made.
Crazy hurdles.
But they stuck together, found ways to turn misfortune into immeasurable treasure & kept going.
By using all the little setbacks as fodder for creating some of the best, most quoted and hilariously funny moments of any probably any comedy ever… they made history.