Healing Through Art in Midlife (or anytime) - Crush Blocks!

One of the most important things an artist can learn

is to forget everything you’ve been taught. 

Next, know that whatever you create, is unique to you, and can never, ever be exactly duplicated again, ever, by anyone.

It can be so simple as simply drawing a circle. Try it.

That circle is YOUR circle. Never will another exist quite like it. 

Your circle is badass because it was created by your hand.

Something great to help break out of an art block, is to force creativity within specified guidelines.

Yes, the boundaries will set you free.

Follow these steps:

Grab 5 sheets of paper (16x20 optimal, but any size will do)

and a handful of crayons, markers, pastels… anything easy with a variety of colours.

and, breathe….

allow yourself to be vulnerable to yourself

close your eyes, clear your mind

inhale & exhale slowly and deeply 3 times


  1. Pick 3 colors.  Set a timer for 3 minutes. Don’t think. Start drawing! Do your best to make sure the entire page is filled with color. Put drawing aside. Observe. Get next paper ready

  2. Pick 3 colors you wouldn’t normally choose. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Start drawing! Do your best to cover the entire paper in color again. Put drawing aside. Enjoy it. Get next paper ready.

  3. Close your eyes and pick 3 colors. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Start drawing! Leave no spaces open.  Fill it all. Put drawing aside. Smile. Get next paper ready.

  4. Close your eyes and pick three colors. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Switch hands so you’re using your non-dominant hand only. Start drawing!  Cover the entire page! Put drawing aside. Love what you see. Get next paper ready.

  5. Close your eyes and pick 3 colors. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Use either hand or both to cover entire paper whilst keeping your eyes closed for the duration. Revel in all you’ve created. None of these pieces could ever have existed without you, your spirit, your heart, your mind.

Step back after each round and look at each piece with deep love. Give yourself acknowledgement and gratitude for letting the pure creativity flow from within. 

This entire process can be very fun to do with friends too.  It may make you feel vulnerable for a minute, but that will pass quickly as you support and celebrate one another’s inner beauty. 

 It’s quite something to experience.

Live it. Love it. Own it.

As wonderful as art schools can be in a myriad of ways, the part that can kill what makes one unique and beautiful is the grading system. 

Art is subjective.


Reclaim your creative power, set your heart free, and let that love fly.

Perhaps rather than grading, we’d love to see more rewards systems in place in this arena.

In what ways do you like to express yourself creatively? …and what sort of things block you that you wish you could change?


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