PEACE, Love, Wizards & Tele-Whattties?!?!?



So, for whatever reason, I’ve gotten really jazzed in the last week or so on the idea of being PEACE for Halloween this year.  I have no money to spend, though, so I began asking friends for things I’ll need to complete this costume that I imagine to just be everything I dreamed, and more!!!!

I suppose I should elaborate. PEACE is a character from a 70’s Ralph Bakshi film called “Wizards”. If you don’t know it, do yourself a favor & watch it.  Well… maybe research it a bit first, because some might  find it terribly off-putting and/or upsetting.  Sure it’s rated PG, but that had a whole different meaning in the 1970’s than it does now.

Also, please don’t read too deeply into how or why or anything about my feelings about this film. That’s not what I’m writing about.  What I’m actually getting at here is something so damn funny & unexpected that happened whilst asking one of my friends if she had a spare helmet I could have.  

Her immediate reply was to blurt out, “What?! A helmet, just to, like, wear around?!?”

This kind of made me pause & question for a quick minute as to how my friend sees me, but then again,  she’s ADHD too, so, whatever.    

I went on to tell her about this idea for a Halloween costume that I thought would be super-fun & different &  that I’ve never done before.   She looked at me like I had two heads. So I showed her a pic & gushed on about it..  And, she interrupts me as I blah blah blah to say “you realize that no one’s going to have any idea what you are & that they’re going to assume you’re a Tele-Tubby, right?!?!”   I must’ve had a look of absolute horror on my face bc she suddenly went  into her I”m-babysitting-3-year-olds voice with big puppy eyes  and tried to reassure me by saying “it’s ok, it’s the red one!  The red one is soooo cute & is like, everybody’s favorite!!!   Omg, yes, it’s Po!!!! Everybody loves Po!!!”  

Now, I’m no genius, nor expert on Tele-tubbies, but I have this sneaking suspicion that this “Po” isn’t likely to be anything like this character I want to portray for this Halloween. 

And, as much as it’s making my skin crawl to admit it, I’ve got a hunch that she’s probably right. 

I could’ve let anxiety rule me here, as I might’ve done in the past, but life is too short & the opportunity for comedy here is just too great to pass up. 

Rather than scrap the idea though, I’m going through with it, full throttle & will just find some damn goofy thing to do to play along & make people laugh til it hurts  if anyone calls me “Po”. 

I’ve got a helmet, a bunch of tape, paint, padding & unbridled chutzpah.  Let’s do this!!!

OMggg… and I have to leave for work in 15 minutes  & I haven’t even showered yet… again.  

Maybe as a back-up plan I should just paint a white stripe down my back & claim to be Po’s twin “Pew”.

PS.  We haven’t wanted to step on any copyright toes nor lose sleep on anything like that, so am including a quick sketch to shed a little light on this story.

T-shirts are avail with any of our original artwork/designs. They’re pretty rad  Shoot us a message if you’re interested.  ; )


Liberté, Liberté, Chérie!


Coming Soon - Interview With Lanny Cordola, Founder of The Miraculous Love Kids