Sparking Optimism For Others in Their Workplace
Have you ever had such an enjoyable experience at a place of business that it truly stood out to you?
One of the easiest & kindest things you can do to keep those happy ripples continuing onward and outward, is to share your experience with others and acknowledge / recognize the person(s) who made it possible. Whether done online via social media, a comment card or directly through HR (human resources dept), when someone gets a good review, it can make that person’s day infinitely brighter & will continue to reflect favorably upon them, perpetuating good vibes in the workplace.
Good vibes lead to our favorite thing… more and more optimism all around!
Countless numbers of people are punching in daily on time-clocks and most are doing the best they can to bring an enjoyable experience to guests/clients.
If you’ve ever worked in customer service, you may know how challenging it can be at times to stay continuously even-tempered and enthusiastic. Whilst much of the general public has the capacity to behave in ways perceived to be pleasant and kind, some can be pretty dang tough to deal with.
There certainly are people who are graced to have jobs they absolutely love, whilst others give their all to just barely make a living at something less that’s tough as heck to get through. So, why not spark some sunshine into the day of someone who went above & beyond to give you a good experience?
These days businesses rely heavily on social media and a strong online presence to draw business and create consumer confidence. By simply allocating a few minutes of your time to leaving a positive, detailed review, you might be helping someone more than you could possibly imagine.
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