Perpetual Motion (the remix)

We’ve worn many hats across the decades (and we love hats), so we’ll for sure be donning many more fun ones as time rolls on and The Optimism Lab continues to grow and blossom.

Sometimes, though, there’s the idea of where you want to be, and there’s the getting there.  Getting there can take a lot of time, money, patience, creativity, and hard work, which also necessitates keeping tight purse strings, being your own cheerleader,  and learning all kinds of new skills and life-lessons along the way.

Since we hold multiple jobs just to survive in this absurdly expensive world, we’ve had to really really, really  get creative to stretch our pennies and keep this project of love alive and flowing.

The biggest secret we’ve found is to 

just keep going. 

And never stop creating!!!  

Also, to fall in love with every moment of the process of doing, as often as possible.

Even the awful moments, because there will always be hurdles that pop up.  And these can often be the most educational bits that set you up for success in the long run. 

It can take some effort at first, but getting into the habit of finding silver linings and plugging forward, unstoppably… yeah.  That’s the perfect equation for a sure win.

We’d love to learn new tips or tricks anyone might have to share about staying in the flow and keeping in motion creatively!  Please reach out, we’d love to hear from you!

”Learn to spike dopamine from effort itself.” ~ Dr. Andrew Huberman


In The Mood For OSHO


Internet Archive x Stanley Kubrick